Karditsa Foreign Language Center - Syropoulou Joy - Karditsa Foreign Language School - English Courses Karditsa

59213 Visitors:
Address: Boustra Dimitriou 3 Kaminades (Karditsa)
Area: Karditsa
Telephone: 2441304170
Mobile: 6983399248
P.C.: 43131
Fax: -
Responsible: -
Responsible phone: -
The Foreign Language Center "Syropoulou Joy" located in Karditsa, has been standing with students of all ages for many years helping them to learn English properly. Our many years of experience in the field of education guarantees quality, efficiency and proper support. We offer personal instruction from the owner of the English language center as well as small classes, especially an online course. With love and zeal for learning, we provide high quality education and provide all...
59213 Visitors:

Boustra Dimitriou 3 Kaminades (Karditsa), Karditsa

59213 Visitors:

The Foreign Language Center "Syropoulou Joy" located in Karditsa, has been standing with students of all ages for many years helping them to learn English properly.

Our many years of experience in the field of education guarantees quality, efficiency and proper support. We offer personal instruction from the owner of the English language center as well as small classes, especially an online course.

With love and zeal for learning, we provide high quality education and provide all the tools necessary for each student to achieve his or her goals. Our tutorial rooms are comfortable, with beautiful colors and warm to make each student feel comfortable.

Thank you for your trust and your love for making our foreign language learning institution a Karditsa school.

Karditsa Foreign Language Center, Karditsa Foreign Language School, Karditsa English Courses, Karditsa English


Karditsa Foreign Language Center - Syropoulou Joy - Karditsa Foreign Language School - English Courses Karditsa English lessons
59213 Visitors:

Boustra Dimitriou 3 Kaminades (Karditsa)

Telephone: 2441304170
Mobile: 6983399248

Working Hours
